About Us
Historic Sandusky, in partnership with the University of Lynchburg, is dedicated to providing educational opportunities and career development for students and the public by preserving and interpreting the Civil War, the history of slavery, and 19th-century American life.

A Brief History of the Historic Sandusky Foundation
The last private owner of Historic Sandusky, Mrs. Louise Early Adkinson, decided to sell the home in 2000. Upon deciding to sell the home, Mrs. Adkinson noted that "when it is next sold it will be the second transfer in 158 years." Mrs. Adkinson let it be known that she would prefer selling it to a group who could purchase it and open it to the public as a historic site. The Historic Sandusky Foundation was incorporated in December of 2000 in order to purchase the Sandusky property from Mrs. Adkinson.
The initial members of the Historic Sandusky Foundation, who pooled their resources to purchase the house were, Dr. Peter W. Houck M.D., T. Scott Garrett M.D., S. Allen Chambers Jr, Russell W. Hicks Jr, Henry C. Devening Esq, and Robert A. Sullivan Sr. these men are now fondly known as the Sandusky Six.
In 2005, the Foundation built a Visitors Center, Museum, and Administrative Building, incorporating the garage that existed to the West of the House. That year, Sandusky's house and grounds were opened to the public for tours, with a focus on the use of property around the time of the Civil War.
University of Lynchburg Ownership
In 2011, Historic Sandusky entered into a five year partnership with Lynchburg College (now the University of Lynchburg) in hopes of the school one day acquiring the site.
In the spring/summer of 2015 Historic Sandusky became the home of the Hurtt and Proffitt Cultural Resources Archaeology Materials Laboratory. This lab is run by Hurt and Proffitt, while much of the lab work is performed by University of Lynchburg students. The lab is also available to University of Lynchburg Archaeology Field School students while working on the Sandusky grounds.
After a successful partnership with the University of Lynchburg, the university officially purchased Historic Sandusky in February of 2016. The university acquired the site so that it would remain a valuable historic site in Lynchburg while also aiding the education of students.
Historic Sandusky is a Registered Virginia Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Sandusky is recognized as a 501C3 non-profit entity.
Board Members
Foundation Board:
William E. Albers, M.D.
Adam W. Dean, Ph.D.
Ted Delaney
Diana Harvey
Jay E. Hopkins, M.D.
Sally Leslie
Clifton W. Potter, Jr. Ph.D.
John R. Prahinski, MD
Stannard H. Preston
Nichole Sanders, Ph.D.
Advisory Board:
Edwin C. Bearss
S. Allen Chambers, Jr.
Col. Keith Gibson
George C. Hutter
Parker H. Lee III
Travis C. McDonald